You pray for your baby to be quiet so you can sleep, but when she is, you freak out wondering if she’s still breathing.
Talking about poopy diapers doesn't gross me out.
I hope that some day my girls will be best friends - they fight constantly and their personalities are so different, but I still have hope.
I earned these bags under my eyes.
Noggin is my favorite channel.
I don't always answer the door when I look horrible ;)
I have accidentally referred to my hubby as "Daddy" when talking to friends...
The words "just real quick" are no longer in my vocabulary
I still don't like kids...I love my own...but other peoples children annoy me... I'm not proud...but its true
I am tough on my girls, I have great expectations for them but I love and encourage them too!
Sex or sleep..that one is easy!
My husband and I were partners we are daycare workers!
Anyone who doesn't understand my 2 year old isn't very bright! It's obvious what she is saying! :)
You spend the first year of their life wishing they would walk and talk then the rest of their lives telling them to sit down and shut up.
I have learned humility...and that nothing is girls will call me out quick or repeat something they shouldn't!
Parenting teenagers is HARD and it test my faith everyday...I am constantly asking God to forgive me... cause I'm about to commit a sin when I get my hands on them :)
My kids are the best people I know!!
I wouldn't change being a mom...except I might trade a few of them to a small tribe..for a day of peace and quiet.
Last but not least..the best thing about being a mom is when they grow up and have kids of their own and you can do EVERYTHING you couldn't do with them and then GIVE them back!!
~~I miss you Ashley and my doodlebug Adrienne!!~~