I figured I would list a few of mine...only because my kids remind me daily that I have many! I am sure when I am finished I will have come up with many many more....
Texting instead of calling (my kids do this ALLLLLLL the time)
Going to go get a snack from the pantry only to discover an EMPTY box.....I am about to put a lock on the pantry so the kids cant snack without my permission.
Parents who have no control or authority over their children...God said spare the Rod and spoil the child.
Telemarketers of ANY kind!
Grocery carts with one bad wheel.
No toilet paper or paper towels in public bathrooms.
Driver's who won't turn right on red.
Braille signs on drive up ATM...?? That one just confuses me.
Taking your sweet time to leave a parking space when others are clearly waiting for it.
People who don't know the difference between yield and merge (happened to me today....GRRRR)
Finding a shoe and not finding the mate next to it where is should be.
Crumbs in the butter container.
Overkill on the perfume.
Letting your dog go potty in my yard and not cleaning it up.
People who refer to themselves in the third person.
Cashiers who want o wrap the receipt around my change.....then they get annoyed because I stand there and UNwrap it to put my money in my purse.
People who mumble and when you ask what they said and they say nevermind???? Hello...I couldn't hear you.
What are yours? BTW...God is still working on me! :)
If Only marriage and relationships were that easy!! I had to share because it made me laugh. I got this clip from Perry Noble's blog, he is the Pastor at NewSpring Church in SC and this was a video they made for their series on I Want a New Marriage....check out these other videos...some good stuff here!!
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Perry Noble
We have been to Savannah, GA several times and never are we disappointed. It is a beautiful place filled with wonderful history and beautiful scenery. My favorite place to go and is a requirement every time, the Mercer house. This home has a very interesting story and was made famous by the book and movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
It is the scene of a murder that Rocked Savannah and ultimately the death of the owner Jim Williams and socialite responsible for restoring many of the homes back to their original architecture. You will catch many a tourist snapping a photo of this infamous home!
This is said to be the most visited site in Bonaventure. The gravesite of "Little Gracie" Watson (1883-1889). This statue shows her in her Easter dress. Sculpted from a photograph taken shortly before her death by John Walz, a Savannah sculptor. It is said that "Little Gracie" has been heard crying when gifts that have been given to her by visitors are taken away.
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Bonaventure Cemetary,
Gracie Watson,
Jim Williams,
Lady and Sons,
Mercer House,
Paula Dean,
Savannah GA
I have talked several times about "FAITH" and how God wants you to have faith that he will provide for you and take care of your needs. Well, I know that my faith is being tested today.
My husband called me today to inform me that the company he works for has decided with the current economy his position is no longer needed. Now let me clarify, it isn't immediate and he will be getting a severance package but, imagine my feelings...we have a large family and he is the sole financial provider. I immediately went into panic mode. Yes, I cried and got upset....but then I grabbed my bible, read my devotional and then PRAYED! I don't really know what this means for us but I feel like God might be leading my family in a new direction. Faith is an absolute when you walk with God! I know that we have come under attack because we are giving more and more of our selves to do the Lords work and the devil wants to stop us!
They say that God never closes a door without opening a window....I pray that I am wise enough to see it when he does.
I will keep you posted...I know that God is working on a blessing for our family and when he is ready to give it WE will be ready to receive it!
~2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NIV)
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things and all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
As a Christian, FAITH is sometimes hard to come by, we tend to worry when we shouldn't or we try and handle things when we know we need to hand it over to God. I personally struggle with it all the time, as do most Christians. We have a tendency to get caught up in our worries and begin to drown and wallow in self pity.
God wants us to do his work and give everything we have for his glory. For me, and probably most we can give of our time, self, belongings...but why when it comes to tithing we can't let go of the almighty dollar and give it to the ALMIGHTY KING???
That is where FAITH comes in! My personal experience, which I will be honest isn't much...I'm relatively new to the whole live by Faith motto...but let me tell you this..it does work!! We serve an AWESOME GOD who does keep his promises!
My family started tithing back in December of this past year, honestly it was hit or miss. Well, the first service we attended in Jan of this year my husband and I committed to tithing 10% right off the top...just like the bible says. We didn't know how we were going to make ends meet or where the money to pay the bills was going to come from. We just believed and prayed that GOD would provide for us. Again, FAITH is difficult and ours was wavering. However, yesterday we received God's blessings...just like he promised!! Out of nowhere we received not one but two checks that fixed the mess we were in. We were obedient to the Lord and he showed himself to us.
Be Faithful, diligent and obedient and GIVE as the LORD leads you to do, soon you will receive so much that you will have to figure out where to put it all!
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2 Corinthians,
Well today is mine and Kelley's Wedding Anniversary...4yrs. Now I know by some standards 4yrs isn't that long but we have been through more than some. But no matter what the scenario we have come through the other side, maybe a little scratched and bruised but no worse for the wear! I am very thankful and blessed to be married to a wonderful man!
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Kelley and Diane,
Let me count the ways....
In Honor of Valentines day (I know I am kinda early) and My Wedding Anniversary, Thurs. Feb 12th. I thought I would pay homage to the things I love about my life, my family and my GOD.
First things first!
My God... I love him because He loves me and accepts me just as I am. Broken, tattered and torn all flaws and sins exposed.
My Husband...Don't tell him this but I actually do like his sense of humor!! I love him because he is honest and true to his family and friends. He isn't a quitter, even though he has wanted to on occasion. He is a role model to our family and hopefully when the time comes for my girls to marry, they will see the example of a good man and want one from the same mold.
My Girls...Ashley, she is a wonderful young woman and an amazing mom! I am so proud of her! I love her for not giving up and showing everyone she can do it!!
Danielle, I love her smile and sense of humor. She has made some very hard decisions and is trying to adjust, that takes courage and I admire her for that.
Alexis, I love that she is such a fighter, she has come so far and overcome so much! She has proven all the doctors and therapist wrong! She has
a very giving heart and truly cares about other people. She is a straight shooter and gives all she can give!
McKenzie..aka Mack, well she is only 2 but I love her personality! She is funny and smart and just a joy to be around! She makes me laugh with her silliness :)
and of course my Grand daughter Adrienne, she is well...my Grand Daughter....I love her with all of my heart and Love that I can spoil her and don't have any of the repercussions!
My life...I love it because it is MINE! I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Sometimes I don't care for what is going on in it but I know in the end I will be a better person for it. I know that with my family and my God...there is nothing I can't overcome. They are my strength! For that I am blessed!
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Valentines Day
I found this video on youtube, although I am sure many people have it seen way before now, I wanted to share it again.
My reason is, I am the mother to 4 beautiful girls. No matter how many times they are told by myself or others how beautiful they are they still struggle with their appearance. Alexis, my 12 year old came home from school the other day and told me a boy called her Anorexic??? Now why would a 6th grade boy say something like that? Is is because society has put so much emphasis on outward beauty? I have heard girls as young as 4 years old say they were fat....come on! What does a young child know about that? Nothing...at least in a perfect world. It is very disturbing to me as a woman and a mother to see the unrealistic standard that society has set for what "beautiful" is suppose to look like.
Rail thin, unhealthy models on runways across the country is what woman young and old are trying to look like. The reality that no one is bothering to share is that the bodies and faces that grace the covers of millions of magazines are not perfect...they are airbrushed and photo shopped to death. The real person behind the photos look nothing like that in real life.
Body image is not just how we perceive our own physical appearance, but how we think others perceive us as well. In our society, the emphasis has been placed on well-toned, picture-perfect bodies. We are assaulted with this message through advertising, entertainment, fashion and other means.
Body image distortion is something that can affect both males and females, although it is more commonly found in women. Many women feel the need to be as thin as those gracing the television, movie or fashion industry, and will often look at themselves as overweight whether they are or not. Men, on the other hand, want to be perfectly sculpted, with strong, muscular bodies. But in terms of distorted body image cases, men typically have a more realistic outlook on their current state. Even so, for both sexes, the desire to have the perfect body can often lead to dangerous eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.
Encourage your kids to love themselves!! Self esteem is such a great gift! Lead by example....
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body imagae,
real beauty,
self esteem
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god tube,
jeremy camp,
ABOUT ME......
1. My husband Kelley and my girls are the single most important thing to me!
2. I am a brutally honest person, some people think I am mean...but that isn't my intention..I just don't like to lie nor do I care to be around Liars.
3.I have a handful of people I would consider my "true" friends..I would do anything for them.
4. I am a mom of 4 and a Grandma to 1...all girls...and I LOVE it! I wouldn't trade it for anything!
5.My Husband is my HERO! I admire him more than anyone I know.
6.I love to sew...but am in a creative slump right now (guess it's like writers block)
7. I'm addicted to chocolate...I keep chocolate chip morsels stashed in my cupboard for my emergency fix!
8. I want to have my own clothing line someday..for children...I hate sewing for adults
9. Me and Kelley will pitch a tent in the backyard and sleep out there and call it a nite away from the kids even though they are all inside sleeping (extension cord and baby monitor in tow)...that's so much fun ;)
10. I love to take pictures...I think I like photography more than sewing...but it's close
11. I use to compete in couples dancing when I was younger and I taught country western...2 step..and line dancing...HAHA!
12. I never thought I would have another kid after having Alexis...but Kelley wanted one...and let me tell you what she is a handful BUT so much fun!!!!
13. I am NOT a morning person..Kelley and Mack are and it makes me CRAZYYYY!!
14. I do not like to spend money and I am always looking for a deal.
15. The current economy worries me.
16. I use to love rap music (old school) but now...I find myself leaning more toward oldies...but LOVE the sound of silence!
17. I like meeting new people and making new friends
18. Special needs children are very near and dear to my heart...raising a child with challenges has been very rewarding for me! They are the most HONEST people you will ever meet...it's AWESOME!
19. I think the government needs to stay out of how we raise our children! GRRRR
20. I have very conservative christian values
21. If I won the lottery I would buy hundreds of acres of land and build homes for all of my family...and we would have our own little fortress! :) Kelley and Joe are rubbing off on me...LOL
22. My favorite color is...hmmm....I don't know... I wear alot of black?? That isn't a color is it?
23. If I could travel the world I don't know that I would go far. I love Savannah..
24. I look forward to when it's me and my hubby again...but don't look forward to my kids growing up.
25. I am thankful to the LORD for all that he has given me and my family and the direction he is taking my life.
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about me,
ramdom facts
I was told that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. Now Websters Dictionary may disagree, but think about it. How many times in your life have you tried doing something taking the same approach over and over again but still expecting a different outcome?? Doesn't that sound a little insane?
The bible says:
PSALM 119:28-32 (NIV)
Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me through your laws.
I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.
I hold fast to your statues, O Lord;
do not let me be put to shame
I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.
Instead of trying to handle things your way, hand them over to God. Follow his laws and he will set your heart and mind free.
God can strengthen us so that we can make progress even during times of trouble. When you trust in his word then trials and tribulations do not cause us to lose stability.
Break free from the bondage of "insanity" and when you see yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over, just ask God if you can have a "Do Over!"
Posted In
do over,
trials and tribulations
For cooking dinner.....
A "pot-stirrer" who is concocting something other than a delicious soup is someone who brings up emotional issues that have already been discussed, resolved, or are on their way to being released. They want to feed the emotional fire and keep it burning for the excitement of the conflict, well beyond the point of being helpful. Pot stirrers can be subtle they often even appear to be the "helpful" friend or caring listener.
excerpt~ Don't sweat the small stuff
Here is an example: Your friend Jane comes to you with a problem; she finds out her husband has been cheating on her. She is upset and understandably needs your comfort, so of course you lend an ear. As time goes on you have many conversations about this topic and what a jerk her husband is. Months later Jane and her husband decide to go to counseling. They are working through their issues and Jane begins to forgive and move on. One day Jane runs into you and you ask how things are going. Your friend says good. Your response is "how can you ever trust him to go anywhere without you?" By asking this you have just crossed the line from friend into an emotional pot stirrer.
Pot stirring can take far more subtle forms, as well. It's not just stirring up big issues like a cheating spouse. It occurs every time we encourage someone to get caught up in an issue that has already headed toward a healthy resolution. It's as if we are saying "Don't let it go!" Why would you want to do that? This is too much fun!"
You've just let go of a minor conflict with your neighbor, when your other neighbor continues to bring up how annoying this person is, encouraging you to stay engaged in your irritation.
The trick is to be able to recognize a pot stirrer, and as well, save your own pot stirring for cooking. When someone else is stirring up your pot, see it as a habit that can't harm you unless you engage or encourage the conversation in some way.
There is no question that the temptation to stir the pot is there. In fact I will admit to stirring a few pots that had nothing to do with cooking dinner, myself. However, ultimately, pot stirring is in no ones best interest. It causes unnecessary stress. So, remind yourself that to stir the pot is counterproductive to your own peace of mind and to the resolution of your issues. It's like choosing to overcook your evening meal...all you end up with is burnt soup!!!
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pot stirrer