I figured I would list a few of mine...only because my kids remind me daily that I have many! I am sure when I am finished I will have come up with many many more....

Texting instead of calling (my kids do this ALLLLLLL the time)

Going to go get a snack from the pantry only to discover an EMPTY box.....I am about to put a lock on the pantry so the kids cant snack without my permission.

Parents who have no control or authority over their children...God said spare the Rod and spoil the child.

Telemarketers of ANY kind!

Grocery carts with one bad wheel.

No toilet paper or paper towels in public bathrooms.

Driver's who won't turn right on red.

Braille signs on drive up ATM...?? That one just confuses me.

Taking your sweet time to leave a parking space when others are clearly waiting for it.

People who don't know the difference between yield and merge (happened to me today....GRRRR)

Finding a shoe and not finding the mate next to it where is should be.

Crumbs in the butter container.

Overkill on the perfume.

Letting your dog go potty in my yard and not cleaning it up.

People who refer to themselves in the third person.

Cashiers who want o wrap the receipt around my change.....then they get annoyed because I stand there and UNwrap it to put my money in my purse.

People who mumble and when you ask what they said and they say nevermind???? Hello...I couldn't hear you.

What are yours? BTW...God is still working on me! :)

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